Wednesday, April 18, 2012

relaxation without the birds

I need to take better care of me.
I'm getting all kinds of strange ailments and I know it's all from stress.
The asthma is the worst. There are lots of other problems, but I don't want to bore you.
It all comes down to the hours and hours I am spending every day at the computer.
Not enough exercise...too much stress...too much looking at a screen, too much of this... too little of that.
So I decided to take a night off and do some stretching and relaxation techniques.
"Chirp.....tweeet.....tdrrdrrdrdup tdrrdrrdrdup tdrrdrrdrdrup....chirpetychirp...tweeeeetily tweeeeeet tweet.."
Why does all of my relaxation music have tweeting birds in it?
"Mountain stream (with tweeting birds)", "Zen garden (with tweeting birds)", "Ocean waves (with tweeting birds)", "Amazon waterfall (with tweeting birds)"   and so on.
Do most people find chirping birds relaxing? Apparently so. I don't. I find them distracting.
I'm drifting off on my peaceful desert island, listening to the waves and breathing deeply,
(well... as deeply as I can with a raging case of asthma),
listening to the slow, low, mellow, soothing tones and suddenly,
"CHIRP! SCREECH! SQUAWK!" butts in and ruins it!
It's weird. I like birds. But I don't want them interfering with my waves.

Anyway... off to find some inner peace.
Got to heal the body and mind.
No birds allowed.
That goes double for you, Twitter!

*all non-birdy relaxation music suggestions welcome in the comments*


  1. - esp the holophonic stuff

  2. Thanks Graham,
    You're awesome!

    1. You're welcome Rona, and you are correct.

      This channel's good too, though I can't promise a completely avian-free experience. On the upside some are really long (like over an hour!):

    2. This site is amazing! The thunderstorm goes on for 8 hours! Wild!!

  3. Sympathy from NC! I don't have any relaxing sounds for you but a night off sounds like a great plan :)
